Clayton-Englewood Heating & Cooling

4 Reasons Why Clayton-Englewood, Ohio Homeowners Should Get a Fall Tune-up in September  

4 Reasons Why Clayton-Englewood, Ohio Homeowners Should Get a Fall Tune-up in September  

Fall, Furnace, HVAC System, Safety Check, Scheduling, Season, Tune-up, Warranty, Weather, Winter

Scheduling your furnace maintenance service in September is a smart decision for several key reasons: the current weather, optimal timing, the upcoming season, and safety considerations. At Clayton-Englewood Heating & Cooling, we are dedicated to ensuring you are fully prepared for fall and the winter that follows. This is because when you neglect to perform a fall safety and tune-up check, it can most definitely lead to unresolved issues with your furnace at a time when you need it most. So, without further delay, let’s explore together the four reasons why getting your furnace tuned up this September can be advantageous for you. 

Optimal Weather for a Fall Tune-up  

You might wonder why the month of September is the best time to schedule your fall tune-up. Industry standards recommend having your furnace checked and tuned before its first use of the season, which typically falls at the end of summer or the beginning of fall. Keep in mind that fall officially begins on September 22nd this year! Additionally, your furnace must be turned off during servicing so our technicians can conduct a thorough inspection. So, as a result, when you schedule your HVAC service during the month of September, it aligns perfectly with the weather conditions. 

Ideal Timing for Appointments  

Throughout the year, HVAC repairs and upgrades often see high demand. However, with the decrease in air conditioner usage during fall, September is less hectic. This means you are more likely to secure an appointment promptly at a time that is most convenient for you. By doing so, you can avoid the last-minute rush. So, be sure to take advantage of the timing and make it a point to schedule your tune-up and safety check today! 

Preparation for Winter  

Winter, spring, summer, fall…they all come in the same order every year. We know what comes next. As each season leads into the next, now is the time to prepare for the colder months ahead. Although fall is a time to enjoy a lot of festivities, it’s also prudent to use this time to book your annual furnace tune-up and safety check early in the fall to get your unit ready for Ohio’s winter weather that lays head. After all, the last thing you want during the winter is a malfunctioning furnace that could have been very much prevented by simply adhering to your regular fall maintenance routine. 

Safety First  

Did you know carbon monoxide poisoning is more prevalent in winter? This is largely due to the increased use of furnaces, chimneys, and gas lines during this season. According to the National Safety Council, it is recommended that homeowners ensure annual servicing of their furnaces, water heaters, or any coal-burning appliances by a licensed technician. Neglecting this can pose serious risks to your family and home. Remember, regular furnace checkups are important not only because they help prevent issues but also allow your technician to identify and address potential problems early. 

In summary, we strongly advocate scheduling your fall HVAC system tune-up in September whenever possible. However, we understand that life can be unpredictable. If September happens to slip past you, you can still arrange for your furnace tune-up in October or early November. It’s not too late! 

As a “bonus” reason to get your fall tune-up scheduled, we think it’s important to note that sticking to your annual furnace maintenance checkups helps keep your manufacturer’s warranty valid. If that’s not a compelling reason to schedule your tune-up, then we don’t know what is! 

Feel free to call Clayton-Englewood Heating & Cooling today at (937) 412-2911 or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here