Clayton-Englewood Heating & Cooling



Air Filters, Attic Insulation, Ceiling Fan, Condenser, Ductwork, HVAC Habits, HVAC System, Maintenance, Smart Thermostat, Vents

As January unfolds and you embark on a fresh journey of setting your New Year’s resolutions, consider extending your focus to include your HVAC system, too. Why? Well, your Clayton-Englewood Heating & Cooling experts want your year to go smoothly without any HVAC mishaps. To achieve this, you’ll have to enforce the best practices and HVAC habits to keep your system running in tip-top shape. By simply paying attention to components like your air filters, vents, and ceiling fans, you could help ensure your HVAC system is set up to succeed all year long! 

1. Air Filters: If you are not already doing so, commit to changing your HVAC system’s air filters every 1-2 months. This seemingly simple practice holds the key to ensuring not only optimal performance but also maintaining high indoor air quality (IAQ). Air filters play an important role in filtering out the airborne particles in your home. So, any dust particles, loose pet fur, or other small airborne infiltrators that get caught up and trapped in the filters stay in the filters. When your air filters are bogged down with these contaminants and not changed out per industry standards, it can have adverse effects on your HVAC system, not being able to push out air properly, as well as negative effects on your health. 

2. Vents: In the hustle and bustle of household chores, vents often slip under the radar during cleaning routines. However, these seemingly inconspicuous components play a pivotal role in the overall efficiency of your HVAC system. Regular dusting and cleaning of vents can make a substantial difference in both the air quality you breathe and the system’s overall performance. This year, elevate your cleaning routine by including vents, ensuring a comprehensive approach to HVAC maintenance. 

3. Ceiling Fans and Light Fixtures: While not directly part of the HVAC system, dusty ceiling fans and light fixtures can (much like your vents) significantly impact indoor air quality. So, be sure to incorporate the cleaning of these often-forgotten components into your routine for a holistic HVAC maintenance plan. This extra step contributes to a cleaner, healthier living environment. 

4. Smart Thermostat: Take your HVAC maintenance game to the next level by embracing the wonders of a smart thermostat. These innovative devices empower you to control your home’s temperature remotely, establish customized schedules, and receive timely alerts for necessary repairs or maintenance. Beyond the convenience they offer, smart thermostats lead to long-term energy savings and cost reduction. If you haven’t made the leap yet, consider reaching out to us for more information and kick off your New Year with a technologically advanced and energy-efficient start. 

5. Attic Insulation: Let’s delve into the often-overlooked realm of insulation in your attic. The insulation’s thickness in this space holds significant sway over your home’s comfort levels. If certain rooms in your house consistently feel too hot or too cold, or if your HVAC system appears to be running incessantly, inadequate attic insulation might be the culprit. Experts recommend a minimum of ten inches of insulation for optimal efficiency. If you can assess your current insulation depth in a safe manner and find it to come up short of the minimum requirement, consider upgrading this year to not only conserve energy but also extend the lifespan of your HVAC system. When a system is left to continuously run due to trying to keep up with the set temperature and ever-escaping air, it will add unnecessary strain to the unit and decrease its lifespan. 

6. Ductwork: Your home’s ductwork silently undertakes the crucial task of distributing air throughout the house. Over time, however, dust, hair, fur, and other debris can accumulate, impacting both the efficiency of your HVAC system and the IAQ. While not requiring frequent attention, professional ductwork cleaning every three to five years is a prudent investment. This practice ensures that your HVAC system continues to operate efficiently, delivering clean and healthy air to every corner of your home. 

7. Condenser Maintenance: Shift your focus to the outdoor component of your HVAC system—the condenser. Nestled outdoors, it is susceptible to accumulating dirt, debris, and clutter. Regularly inspecting and clearing the area around the condenser is a proactive measure to safeguard its longevity. This simple yet effective habit can prevent unnecessary issues, breakdowns, or damage to the unit. Even during the winter months when the AC is not in use, periodic checks ensure that no debris has fallen onto or near the condenser, preserving its functionality. 

8. Maintenance Checks: Waiting for issues to surface before seeking professional intervention may result in more significant problems down the line. Scheduled maintenance checks, even when everything appears to be running seamlessly, are crucial for preventing long-term damage. A proactive approach ensures that potential issues are identified and addressed promptly, contributing to the longevity of your HVAC units. Additionally, adhering to regular maintenance schedules safeguards the validity of your manufacturer’s warranty. So, don’t overlook the significance of these seasonal checkups—they are your first line of defense against unexpected malfunctions and disruptions. 

Incorporating these comprehensive HVAC resolutions into your New Year’s goals will greatly help to nurture a well-maintained system. Remember, staying proactive with maintenance is the cornerstone of prolonging the lifespan of your HVAC system and fortifying your defenses against unexpected issues. 

For all your HVAC needs throughout the year, count on Clayton-Englewood Heating & Cooling. Call us at (937) 412-2911, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here