Top Reasons for an A/C Unit Breakdown

Top Reasons for an A/C Unit Breakdown

With August just around the corner, it is critical as a homeowner to make sure your AC system is in perfect shape. The last thing anyone wants is to be stuck in the hot summer heat with no A/C. Our specialist technicians at Clayton-Englewood Heating & Cooling list...
Tips to Extend the life of your AC

Tips to Extend the life of your AC

Air conditioners do not run forever. Nevertheless, there are ways you can prolong the functional lifespan for a long time. The A/C professionals at Clayton-Englewood Heating & Cooling share 8 easy ways to keep the air conditioner humming along for as long as...
Warning signs it might be time for a new AC

Warning signs it might be time for a new AC

During the summertime, when it’s hot and humid outside, our air conditioners become vital lifelines. If you’re like anyone else in Ohio, you and your loved ones rely on your air conditioning system to keep your home cool throughout the hot summers each year....
Top 5 HVAC Troubleshooting Tips

Top 5 HVAC Troubleshooting Tips

Having problems with an HVAC system? Whether it be your air conditioner, furnace or a heat pump, if you have an HVAC system that’s not running like it should and you’re looking for help, you’re in the right place. The heating and cooling experts at Clayton-Englewood...
Why is my furnace making funny noises?

Why is my furnace making funny noises?

If your furnace is starting to sound like a “furnasaurus” with loud noises you haven’t heard before, we encourage you to have it looked at before that monster becomes a real problem during the winter months!  Although some furnace noises aren’t a big deal, others...