Clayton-Englewood Heating & Cooling

Stop Doing These Things That Lower Your Indoor Air Quality

With it being National Clean Air Month, now is an opportune moment for Clayton-Englewood Heating & Cooling professionals to highlight the critical importance of indoor air quality (IAQ). Studies indicate that indoor air can be up to five times more polluted than outdoor air, largely due to the recirculation of air within homes without adequate filtration or ventilation. So, enhancing the indoor air quality of your residence is paramount, considering the significant amount of time you spend at home.  

Things That Can Lower Indoor Air Quality: 

  • Germs and viruses 
  • Mold and mildew 
  • Pet odors and pet dander 
  • Dust Particles 
  • Tobacco smoke 
  • Cooking odors 
  • Airborne chemicals 
  • Allergens 
  • Pollen 

1. Stop Missing Your Air Filter Changes 

Amidst the multitude of tasks demanding our attention, it is not uncommon for some to be inadvertently overlooked. Nonetheless, one task that must consistently remain a priority is the timely replacement of air filters. Air filters are imperative for sustaining optimal indoor air quality; they are designed to remove dust, dirt, pollen, and other pollutants from the air we inhale. Over time, as these particulates pile up on the filter, its effectiveness in capturing airborne particles decreases, thereby reducing its efficiency and potentially compromising your health. 


Replace your air filters every 1-2 months. Timely replacement of air filters offers numerous advantages for both your health and financial well-being. Regularly changing your air filters helps to significantly decrease the levels of dust, dirt, and other airborne pollutants, ensuring a cleaner breathing environment. 

2. Stop Allowing Odors to Stuff Up Your Home 

Odor occurrences are natural and should not be a source of embarrassment. Whether it stems from cooking, pets, or other household activities, odors can accumulate and persist in your home, leading to a stale atmosphere and potentially reducing indoor air quality. Furthermore, certain odors may pose health risks if not addressed. For instance, the harsh chemicals found in some cleaning products can be detrimental to breathing in regularly. 


Consider employing a whole-home air purification solution such as the iWave-R. This system is designed to integrate seamlessly with your HVAC system, utilizing patented technology to cleanse the air by removing odors and harmful particulates. One notable advantage of this purifier is its self-cleaning feature, ensuring minimal maintenance requirements. As a result, you can enjoy enhanced air quality effortlessly beyond the initial setup. 


Another excellent choice is the integration of UV lighting systems. These lights are professionally installed in your air ducts to neutralize airborne pathogens before they circulate throughout your residence. Moreover, the UV bulbs offer the added advantage of requiring replacement only once every 2-3 years, enhancing their convenience and efficiency. 

3. Stop Letting Excessive Moisture Take Over 

If you are constantly dealing with high humidity levels in your home, keep in mind that excessive humidity within a residence may result in mold development, and potentially lead to triggering respiratory complications and other health concerns. It is also imperative to routinely inspect for indicators of moisture accumulation, including water stains on ceilings or walls, musty smells, or condensation on windows, as sometimes the onset of mold from excessive moisture doesn’t surface until it has already rooted itself. 


In the chance you do suffer from excessive humidity in your home, it is advisable to invest in a whole-home dehumidifier. A whole-home dehumidifier operates in conjunction with your HVAC system, effectively reducing air moisture, thwarting mold proliferation, and ultimately enhancing the overall quality of indoor air. Additionally, it can possibly contribute to lower energy expenses by diminishing the workload on your air conditioning unit. 

Clean air makes all the difference in having a tranquil and healthy home. If you’d like to embark on your journey to gaining cleaner air for your home, we’d feel absolutely honored to be a part of your IAQ endeavors. Give us a call, and we will start discussing your options! 

Call Clayton-Englewood Heating & Cooling today at (937) 412-2911, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here