Clayton-Englewood Heating & Cooling

Tips & Tricks to Prepare Your A/C for the Winter

Tips & Tricks to Prepare Your A/C for the Winter

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With the colder temperatures coming, turning your AC off for the summer is very important for you and your home. Here are some easy steps given to us by our skillful technicians at Clayton-Englewood Heating & Cooling. We suggest you take each of these steps to ensure your AC has been switched off accurately for the colder season.

1. One of the first things to start with is to turn the cooling mode off on your home’s thermostat. Some of the newer, modern thermostat technology can be controlled by your smartphone while away from your home. 

2. The next course of action for the end-of-summer preparation list that should be taken is to turn your AC unit off. To turn off your AC, find the AC circuit near your AC and turn it off. Another way to turn your AC is to switch off the fuse attached to the AC in your fuse box.

3. Although you won’t be using your AC during the colder months, it is very important to replace the dirty filter with a clean one before the end of summer. Air filters are used to remove dust, debris, and pollen from the air inside your home. While your AC is in use, you should be checking in on your air filter monthly and changing it at least every 3 months. Replacing your AC’s air filter will also help better prepare you for the following warmer season. With a clean air filter in your A/C for next season, it will be ready to turn on and use right away.

4. Before it gets cold outside, make sure to check the condenser and pipes on your AC’s equipment. Examine your AC for any leaking, rusting, cracking, or any other signs of destruction. If you notice anything looking or running abnormal, it is best to contact a professional who can repair your equipment—getting repairs done before the colder weather is imperative. Because unfortunately, due to harsh weather conditions during the colder seasons, this can cause the damage already on your AC’s equipment to worsen. 

5. Lastly, to prevent inevitable damage during the colder seasons, be sure to cover your AC with an accurately fitting cover. Upon installation of your AC unit, most companies will give you the option to add a cover for your unit to your purchase. If you do not already own an AC cover, when looking around, choose a waterproof and insulated cover to guarantee the most protection for your equipment. 

Many of these steps most homeowners can take on by themselves to prepare for the colder months. If you have more questions about shutting your A/C equipment down for summer or need repairs? Call Clayton-Englewood Heating & Cooling today at (937) 412-2911, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!