Clayton-Englewood Heating & Cooling

Why Should Homeowners Turn On Their Furnace Sooner Rather Than Later?

Why Should Homeowners Turn On Their Furnace Sooner Rather Than Later?


As the winter weather approaches us here in Ohio, most of us wonder, “When is the best time to turn on my furnace?” If you find yourself asking this question, then this article is for you. If you’re like most Ohioans, you never know what the weather will bring, and most of us try to wait as long as possible to turn on our furnaces for the winter. Nevertheless, I am here to lend a helping hand and inform homeowners that it is better to be safe rather than sorry when it comes to turning on your furnace early. Don’t worry; our specialists at Clayton-Englewood Heating & Cooling are here to help, and they have selected a few notable reasons why your home and your wallet will thank you for turning on your furnace early. 

Test Run Your Furnace 

Like a lot of other homeowners, you may be trying to save a few extra bucks by not turning on your furnace until you need it. However, on the other hand, this is one of the worst things you can do. Many homeowners run into the issue of a broken furnace in the dead of winter because they haven’t done a test run. Our specialists recommend a test run of your furnace at the beginning of the fall to avoid this. Keep in mind; to avoid this scenario, it doesn’t have to be a lengthy process. Just a few minutes will do the trick by helping get the parts greased up and moving. Also, don’t forget to feel for warm air at all registers throughout your home; if there is no hot air being produced, contact one of our professionals as soon as possible to keep you, your home, and your family warm and cozy this winter.

Replacing Broken Parts

Unfortunately, like most things, nothing lasts forever, and the same goes for your residential furnace. Like many other home appliances such as a dishwasher or fridge, it may need specific parts replaced to keep running. When checking to see if the furnace is working, you should be able to hear it turn on. However, if you hear any other noises such as clicking, grinding, rattling, or squealing, be sure to get in call and schedule a service check with one of our specialists at Chillicothe Heating & Cooling ASAP. Our professionals will give numerous options that fit your home as well as your budget to keep your home warm this winter. 

Check Your Thermostat

There are many different things intertwined within your home’s HVAC system, including the furnace and thermostat. Just like any other piece of technology, the thermostat can break down as well. With that being said, it is a good idea to check your thermostat. To do so, you will want to set the temperature and confirm that the furnace and thermostat are communicating in order to provide your home with optimal comfort. This will give you peace of mind that your furnace provides warmth and comfort to you and your family.

Do you still have questions about turning your furnace on early?

Call Clayton-Englewood Heating & Cooling today at (937) 412-2911, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!