Clayton-Englewood Heating & Cooling

Why is my furnace making funny noises?

Why is my furnace making funny noises?

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If your furnace is starting to sound like a “furnasaurus” with loud noises you haven’t heard before, we encourage you to have it looked at before that monster becomes a real problem during the winter months! 

Although some furnace noises aren’t a big deal, others are a sure sign of problems down the road.

To help you know the difference, we at Clayton-Englewood Heating & Cooling list several prevalent types of furnace noise you might hear and how regular maintenance can help:


Humming noises coming from a heating system, if unusually loud, could be from a malfunctioning starting capacitor or some other problem revolving around the motor itself. If this doesn’t get looked at by a technician, it could progress into a major blown problem. Keep in mind, you should hear a faint humming noise the day your system is installed. If it becomes obviously louder, it might be a reason for concern.

Screeching or Squealing Noises

If you’re hearing screeching or squealing sounds that remind you of nails on a chalkboard, or metal scratching, and it’s coming from your HVAC equipment, it could mean your blower wheel is having problems. The wheel might have come loose from the motor shaft. Or, it may be broken or hitting against the sides of the system. In any case, screeching noises often indicate a bad belt or motor blower.

Banging or Popping Sounds

Mild banging sounds or popping noises are fairly normal with unit’s that utilize ductwork to transport treated air. Because air ducts are made from sheet metal, they contract and expand when they’re hot or cold. Nevertheless, if you are hearing excessively loud (louder than usual) popping or banging noises and your home isn’t getting the heated air or cooled air you need, there might be a problem with the system’s ignition. Sometimes, when a heating system’s burners are dirty, gas can escape into the unit’s housing. Because it won’t be able to light at the burner if it is escaping, this gas can build up and cause an explosion. 

In any case, this problem can be a highly dangerous one. If this is something your heating system is doing, please shut it down and call us without delay.


If you hear a “thwapping” noise, or smacking sound that’s like a playing card flapping against a bicycle spoke, there’s probably something lodged or stuck in the blower’s blades. If this is the case and the object gets loose, it could go into the housing and damage something else.

Don’t allow strange sounds to go unchecked!

Residential heating systems are complex machines that are intricate; they utilize a whole host of parts and equipment, and they use fuel to generate heat. If you’re hearing any other unfamiliar sounds — thumping, squealing, rumbling, banging, loud whistling, etc. — it’s something you should take seriously. We suggest turning the unit off and giving us a call right away to avoid danger and further damage.If your furnace is not heating properly and is making noises, call Clayton-Englewood Heating & Cooling today at (937) 412-2911.