Clayton-Englewood Heating & Cooling

Your Pre-Winter Furnace Checklist

Your Pre-Winter Furnace Checklist


At Clayton-Englewood Heating & Cooling, our mission is to help our customers by saving them time, money, and energy. A pre-winter furnace checklist can be a helpful tool to guide your process and ensure your furnace is in Five-Star shape for the upcoming winter season. Here’s a checklist of steps approved by our knowledgeable and NATE-certified technicians:

  • Look Over Your Thermostat- You want to make sure it is running properly and everything is functioning. This will guarantee quality air performance. It is vital that the thermostat and HVAC system are working simultaneously together in unison.
  • Inspect Your Vents Carefully- Checking your vent will help keep good airflow running smoothly in your home. We check the vents on our dryer regularly to keep it maintained. For similar reasons, be sure to check out your air vents as well.
  • Your Filter May Need Changed – Checking the filter is a must. This will help you to get the full benefit out of your HVAC system. As a plus, it will also save you energy and money on your utility bills. 
  • Don’t Forget About the Furnace– Unfortunately, the furnace itself can often be overlooked. You will want to keep this area clean and clear of any blockage and/or debris.
  • Examine Electrical Wirings & Controls- You don’t want to forget these important elements. Make sure everything is functioning correctly and that they are up to code. We want to make certain our customers are safe!
  • Schedule your seasonal HVAC tune-up and inspection– Just like mechanics recommend regular tune-ups for vehicles, we at Clayton-Englewood Heating & Cooling suggest the same for your furnace. We want your furnace to work at its best capacity for you. Staying ahead of the game and scheduling regular maintenance will help ensure everything is running properly.
  • Perform a Quick Survey for any Unfrequented Surfaces in Your House– We all know how to keep our house clean, but dust and dirt can be persistent enemies. They hide under furniture and linger in the air unseen. Regularly dusting off surfaces that you may not normally think about paired with frequent vacuuming will help keep the air in your home as pure as possible. This will help relieve any unnecessary stress on your unit and can aid in making sure your furnace doesn’t get overworked.

This checklist should prove helpful when making sure everything is checked and maintained to get your residential furnace ready for the winter. Keep this checklist handy so that you can refer back to it for future winter seasons!

If you haven’t scheduled your winter tune-up yet, we would be happy to help! Clayton-Englewood Heating & Cooling is here to assist you! Call today at (937) 412-2911, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!